Coaxial Cables

Flexible, conformable, semirigid and corrugated coaxial cables
Coaxial Cables
Deltron Italy manages in stock a large inventory of coaxial cables of different types.
With the experience gained over the years by its highly qualified employees, Deltron Italy is able to help the customer in selecting the best cable for the required application.
The high flexibility of our production allows us to provide cable in spool or drum or connectorized according to customer's specifications in a very short time.
The following are the types of cables typically available in our stock: p>
Flexible cables RG:
RG cables flexible, 50ohm polyethylene and PVC single screened: RG174; RG58; RG213
RG cables flexible, 50ohm polyethylene and PVC double screened: RG223, RG214.
RG cables flexible, 50ohm Teflon (PTFE, FEP, PFA) single screened: RG178, RG316, RG303.
RG cables flexible, 50ohm Teflon (PTFE, FEP, PFA) double screened: RG316DS, RG393.
RG cables flexible, 75ohm polyethylene and PVC: RG59; RG216
RG cables flexible, 75ohm Teflon (PTFE, FEP, PFA): RG179, RG187, RG302
Semi-rigid and conformable cables:
Cable type RG405 (UT086), RG402 (UT141), RG401 (UT250), UT31, and special versions in different impedances (25ohm, 60ohm, 93ohm etc.).
Conformable cables covered with PVC, FEP or LSZH jacket.
Corrugated cables:
Foam, superflex and air corrugated coaxial cables of the following sizes: 1/4 ", 3/8", 1/2 ", 7/8", 1 "-1/4, 1" -5 / 8.3 ", 3" -1/8, etc.